Greetings Website Visitor,
I encourage you to explore this website designed to inform our citizens about the operations of the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office. Our web designer has developed this site to be user-friendly, yet detailed enough to include important information for those who have an interest in what we do. Please review the informational pages drafted to give guidance on services we provide, as well as tips concerning scams and weather emergencies.
As a commitment to the citizens of Paulding County, I pledge to keep you up to date on things happening around my office. I have folks on staff with the ability to keep current information posted on this website, as well as our social networking page via Facebook. This site is a work in progress and I welcome ideas for improvement, either by clicking the email link on my Bio page or contacting me at the office.
In closing, I am excited for you to visit our site often. Get comfortable with the layout of the website so you can easily research our sex offender link or our sheriff’s sales link, as those pages change frequently. I hope the Warrants List and Jail Roster will be helpful tools for the public, keeping in mind this information is subject to change on a daily basis. My intention is to update this website to keep up with the ever changing times. I truly believe that Communication Is Key To Success!
Jason K. Landers, Sheriff