Law Enforcement Exploring

Law Enforcement Exploring is a program designed for high school students contemplating a career in law enforcement or a related field in the criminal justice system. The program promotes personal growth through character development, respect for the law, physical fitness, good citizenship, and patriotism. Exploring provides a personal awareness of the criminal justice system through training, job shadowing and other activities.

Law Enforcement Explorer Posts are sponsored by local, state and federal law enforcement agencies throughout the country. Law Enforcement Exploring is endorsed by numerous professional organizations including International Chiefs of Police Association (IACP) and National Sheriffs Association (NSA).

Locally the Explorer’s program is offered through the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office. The program is based on five areas of emphasis: Career Opportunities, Life Skills, Citizenship, Character Education and Leadership Experience. Explorers are offered the opportunity to gain exposure to various law enforcement fields through on-the-job observations and interactions with emergency services dispatching, corrections officers and road patrol deputies.

The most popular career fields highlighted in Law Enforcement Exploring programs include:

  • City, county and state law enforcement officers;
  • Federal law enforcement officers and special agents;
  • U.S. military police officers and investigators/special agents; and,
  • Law enforcement intelligence analysts, forensic laboratory specialists and other vital support specialists.

Through participation in the program Explorers will develop:

  • Knowledge about the mission and purpose of law enforcement;
  • Experience about law enforcement operations through training, practical experience, competitions and other activities; and,
  • Teamwork and leadership skills through team building exercises and community service projects.

You will have an opportunity to participate in:

  • Post-sponsored basic, advanced and specialized law enforcement training programs;
  • Local, state and regional training programs, conferences and competitive events sponsored by certified Law Enforcement Exploring Associations;
  • Post sponsored Ride-Along programs in patrol cars.

Law Enforcement Exploring will provide you with the following benefits:

  • Career oriented training, practical experiences and competitions;
  • Personal growth through development of interpersonal skills, leadership opportunities and teamwork;
  • Community service and networking activities; and,
  • Preparation for career related college degree programs and other advanced education opportunities.

When do meetings and other activities take place? Where do they meet?

Typically, the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office Explorers meet on the second Tuesday of the month during the school year and the second and fourth Tuesday during summer break.

Most meetings take place at the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office. On occasion, meetings may take place at other Paulding County venues such as EMS and Fire Departments, other Police Departments and EMA facilities.

Program Costs:

Law Enforcement Exploring is very affordable when compared to other youth programs. Each explorer must pay an annual program participation fee of $33 to Learning for Life/Exploring. In addition to the annual participation fee, some posts require payment of funds in the form of periodic dues or specific fees to support the post program, purchase uniforms, etc.

How can I join?

Participation is easy:

  • Request information from Paulding County Sheriff’s Office about joining the post. You may request from the Post Advisor information about membership and an application to join the Post.  An application can also be printed for completion.  Explorers Application
  • It is important to note, that due to the sensitive nature of law enforcement operations, most Law Enforcement Explorer Posts have membership requirements. These requirements typically include the successful completion of a background check (no prior arrest record or serious traffic violations), pass an oral interview, have a minimum grade point average, be a person of good conduct and high moral character, etc.
  • Providing you meet the membership standards of the Post, you most likely will be invited to attend a Post meeting or activity and invited to become a member.

Who can I contact about the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office Explorer’s

Contact the Post Advisor or the Assistant Post Advisor by clicking on their name below and sending an e-mail.