Mission | Vision
The D.A.R.E. Mission
“Teaching students good decision-making skills to help them lead safe and healthy lives”
The D.A.R.E. Vision
“A world in which students everywhere are empowered to respect others and choose to lead lives free from violence, substance abuse, and other dangerous behaviors.”
A Vital Mission… to Fulfill a Vision
D.A.R.E. Officer Deputy Rich Phelan
Sheriff Landers and the Paulding County Commissioners resumed Paulding County’s D.A.R.E. program in September, 2015. Our D.A.R.E. Officer has received training to be qualified for this position by completing the Ohio Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Training.
Paulding County D.A.R.E. is supported by donations into a special fund used only for the purposes of reaching students at Antwerp, Payne, Grover Hill, Paulding Exempted Village, Oakwood and Divine Mercy elementaries. Donations may be sent to the Sheriff’s Office (500 East Perry Street, Paulding, Ohio 45879) to be deposited into the D.A.R.E. fund.
Sheriff Landers thanks all those who have supported this program. Bringing awareness and education to the young students of our county through D.A.R.E. is an excellent tool in preventing substance abuse.